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17 may 2022
In Discusiones generales
Evo Morales. The 2020 general election is C Level Executive List the first election without Evo Morales since 1997 and it is the first vote that complies with the February 21, 2016 referendum, which told Morales that he could not run for re-election. Throughout the C Level Executive List campaign, there had been talking of the next five-year presidential term as a transitional exercise before arriving at postmasismo, but the polls decided to contradict the predictors of politics and passed sentence: it was not the MAS project that was exhausted, but the single C Level Executive List command, the endless repetition of the figure of Morales as president. Luis Arce Catacora will finish first when the C Level Executive List votes are counted and will have achieved between six and ten points more than Morales in the failed elections of 2019. For that, he needed some tools that led him to a victory with an unexpected advantage. The first was the correct strategy. While Carlos Mesa, Luis Fernando C Level Executive List Camacho and other minor forces bet on the MAS/anti-MAS cleavage (all presented themselves as the best option so that the previously ruling party would never return), the MAS emphasized the economic crisis and the stability as axes of discourse and opted to consolidate their hard vote as the C Level Executive List number one public objective. The MAS developed a campaign on the C Level Executive List outskirts of the cities, with walks and small rallies, mixing union meetings with academic conferences to get away from the image that prevailed in Morales' last campaign. Arce and his strategists C Level Executive List bet on remote neighborhoods, on the poor and the impoverished from the coronavirus; for those who went from poverty to the middle class during the 14 years of Morales C Level Executive List government and fell back into poverty due to the coronavirus.

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